UCL listed medical clinics in Lake Oswego does not replace your primary care physician or a hospital’s emergency department. This will help the overall community to learn and be informed about necessary medical help in the vicinity before making that important decision. It will help others to know more about the facilities, services, doctors and all the necessary information that one should be aware of before making a decision of visiting particular medical clinic. If you visit any of the below listed urgent care center in Lake Oswego, please don’t forget to leave a review for the clinic. These centers provide non-emergency, outpatient, primary care on a walk-in basis with no appointment needed. With the filters on listing you also can find nearest ‘open now’ urgent care clinics. If you filter the results, you can find 24 hour urgent care clinics near you.

These quick care clinics are within reach and easily accessible by public transportation.

We have listed the conveniently located primary care medical clinics in Lake Oswego. The UCL fills your need to find an urgent care or quick care clinic in Lake Oswego, fast. Finding an immediate care or walk-in clinic nearby, no longer means looking in the phone book or flipping through your physician's directory pamphlet. Our mission at the UCL is to make finding an urgent care near you a hassle-free task.